Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Three Ingredients in Great Leadership: Vision, Intention, Wisdom

Vision, intention, and wisdom need to be woven seamlessly to build great leadership.

As businesses and the world move deeper and deeper into the digital world of VUCA -volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, while company boundaries are blurred and the world is so hyper-connected, who leads whom? How can leaders make a positive influence and regain the trust of the society? How can they harness the creativity and passion of the workforce in pursuit of competitive advantage & unique difference in the global stage? What are the most important ingredients in great leadership?

VisionVision is to serve as a leadership enabler, to clear the path - whether that be the elimination of obstacles or to provide coaching and guidance. Visionary leadership navigates the organization forward and prepares effectively and efficiently to absorb and accept change in all its forms. In such organizations, change does not disrupt and interfere with business as usual; because they have abilities to evolve, adapt and innovate. Leaders have a vision and mission. The vision of leadership is to discover the potential people have a guide and support them on their way. They motivate people to do their best. It is a benefit for an organization when a leader is in a manager’s position. The vision of being a leader is being able to demonstrate that real leadership is not about how much power one can wield, but how much "power" one can delegate and still accomplish great things. Relinquishing power means trusting that your "followers" can accomplish much, knowing that you are one of them and not necessarily above them and that our interests are, hopefully, mutual and supporting of one another. Imagine empowering people around the world, inspiring integrated leadership, positive change and peace of mind today; creating a better quality of life and future for all.

Intention: Being a leader takes one to have a desire to do better than others while creating themselves a platform of influence in wherever they are. The intention of great leadership is to make positive influence without affecting anyone in any negative way. The intention of a good leader is to enable a leadership culture at all levels within your organization and beyond. At broader scope, the intention of leadership is to bridge the gaps and make a better world. Becoming a leader is a process of becoming your true authentic self in all that you are today. So rather than looking for examples of leaders out there, look within yourself and ask: Am I the person/leader I wish to see in the world? The intention is to be courageous enough to become an effectively humble leader. The intention of becoming a leader is to facilitate and encourage, as change is often an uncomfortable, yet necessary part of reaching and maintaining success. The intention of great leadership is to support effectiveness and achievement of final results, to ensure positive and inspiring working culture, to motivate and to lead more effectively.

Wisdom: Vision guides you through, intention motives you forward. Only wisdom can transcend leadership from good to great. The significant tasks of leaders are making decisions, wisdom has to do with the soundness of judgment. And the greatness of leadership often depends on how wise the leader make decisions. Wisdom mainly consists of having experience and yet knowing when to discard that experience, when you come across new knowledge - new frontiers to existing knowledge. Wisdom is a full set of learning, unlearning and relearning. Plus an open mind -wisdom is a function of knowing what you don't know and keeps curiosity to know more. We can say that great leaders failed many times and kept getting up. Persistence, tenacity, and conviction can lead to eventual greatness and has in many cases of great leaders. These are commendable qualities in a great leader.

Vision, intention, and wisdom need to be woven seamlessly to build great leadership. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to align your own actions and beliefs with your own vision and intention. Everyone wants to be persuasive when advocating their position. One needs to speak the language of the audience in order to reach them. This is why character and courage are so important to help one keep their eye on the goals; to view power only as a means to achieve and not an end in itself. The authenticity of your vision and intention is reflected in your action. Open mind, empathetic communication, modeling, enabling, supporting, humble correction and guidance in furtherance of the goal are all components of great leadership.


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